All essential baby gear you will ever need.

This is the category where the items are expensive yet people get carried away.
This is a difficult category as people get carried away, you end up buying things you will use for a couple months like a bouncer or a rocker. And to add to it this is the category where the items are expensive. Basically you spend a lot and discard those item in the matter of months in the dark corners of their garage or to the landfills. This list will be of all the baby gear you actually will use and for a long time.

#1 Baby carrier
I went through a lot of reviews of different brands to find this gem, Ergobaby. It’s the best ergonomic fit for your baby’s body at every age. They are ergonomically designed to cradle your baby in a natural sitting position and to evenly distribute baby's weight between your hips and shoulders so its ergonomic for the parent too. They allow you to carry your baby from newborn to toddler hood (6-45 lbs). We have the Ergobaby 360 in dusty blue.

#2 Travel system
This is the best invention a carseat that clips onto a stroller. Which means you make one purchase and get two essentials. Bonus is you don’t wake up your sleeping Bubu to transfer them when getting them out of the car. For almost 21 months we could easily go at nap/sleep time have Bubu guaranteed drift off to sleep in the car, tote the carseat to a restaurant and have a lunch/dinner date.
We brought the 2017 B-Agile Travel System with B-Safe 35 Infant Car Seat in red by Britax. It goes from newborn to 55 Pounds. We loved it and are still using the stroller. Of course we transitioned to the next carseat level at the two year mark.
#3 Crib

Ok this is a interesting option we choose, it's the Sleepi Crib/Bed by Stokke. It is expensive but the best part is it can be used throughout your entire life (if you buy all the conversion sets). If I have the chance to meet this product designer who designed this crib, I am going to kiss his/her hand. This is brilliant, it goes from a bassinet, to crib, to toddler bed, to kid bed (7-10 years), then use it as a daybed or wait for the drumroll it can be made into chairs. Do you agree, it’s the most kissable product design ever.
You do not get it in the sea green color; we DIY-ed our crib. I have a blog post on baby room if you want to take a look.

#4 Nanny cam
We have the Cloud Cam Security Camera by Amazon. It integrates with Alexa. It allows you to see and keeps recording for 24 hrs or auto-deletes which is convenient. We never brought a baby monitor as the picture quality is great and you can zoom and also talk from your remote location. Its a security camera so you can use this for a lifetime. And it's a good option if you are a renter as it installs very easy and won't destroy the walls when you decide to take it off if you move.

#5 Mini fan
A very versatile product as it come with a clip. We bought ours on Amazon. It comes with a rechargeable battery and can work upto 6 hours depends on what speed you use. Clip it to fan your toddler in a carseat on a hot summer day or clip it on the stroller when you visit Disney. Sometimes we would take it and fan us especially at Disney. Very useful and can be used for a lifetime.
#6 Car mirror
This is not useful for many years but essential for the first two years. We bought ours from Amazon.

#7 Diaper bag (travelon set)
I have a blog post dedicated to Diaper bag, you can read about how to organize and why I love the Jujube BFF.
All product are going strong for the last two plus years and still counting. Hope this was helpful and you found some things to add to your baby registry or your shopping/gift list for the holidays.
If you liked this blog post, you might enjoy other blog posts that talk about what to buy for baby, why I feel it’s a good buy, how we used it earlier and how we use it now. As there are a lot of baby product’s I have broken them down into categories and written separate blog posts on each. Click on the category you want to explore.