From my shower to yours party favors that are easy & quick to DIY + inexpensive. This blogpost is on how to make a bottle of bath salt.

Party favors turned out to be really inexpensive, quick and easy to make. As they are handmade everyone's going to feel the love.
Everyone wants to host a baby shower and celebrate their new beginning. I won't deny, with the baby coming in everything starts to add up. I made my own baby shower decorations and the party favours. Party favors turned out to be really inexpensive, quick and easy to make. As they are handmade everyone's going to feel the love. I received a lot of appreciation for my enthusiasm and effort from loved ones. My baby shower favors holds as very special memory now in my heart, as making these brought me a lot of joy, which makes it totally worth it. This blogpost documents how to make a bottle of bath salt. I wanted these bath salts to be organic and natural ingredients. Hope this helps someone on a budget.
Let's make it:
You will need
Epsom salt - Mostly found at general stores. There are tons of variety. I chose to make mine in pure epsom salt as it has no chemicals or perfumes added to it.
Sea salt
Oils of your choice- I used a blend of Rose hip seed oil, Carrot seed oil, Geranium, Argan oil, Avocado oil, Grape seed oil, Apricot kernel oil, Coconut oil, Olive oil, Jojoba oil.
Bottles- To contain the salt.
Food coloring- Found at craft stores or grocery stores. I brought the 3 primary colors red, blue and yellow. By mixing these three, more colors can be created.
Bowls- To combine the ingredients
Mix Epsom salt with sea salt in 1:1 ration.
Add 2 tablespoon of oil blend to every 2 lbs of salt mix.
Depending on the number of colors you plan to make; divide the salt into that many portions. For example I made 5 portions, to make colors of the rainbow (almost). Pink, yellow, green, blue, violet. More food coloring you add to the salt the more darker and richer color you will get. I wanted a pastel palette so added a few drops at a time to see what color it gives and kept adding more if it was too pale.
At this point I was too tired to continue so I ziplocked all the colors separately. On a later date I bottled the salt in layers to look like a rainbow.
To complete the project, I labeled the bottle with homemade black-&-white labels with the ingredients listed on it.
I made 60 party favours and it took me 5 hours. That's investment of 5 minutes per salt bottle, which is not bad. I hope you try it. Isn't this so easy and so inexpensive. No more store bought bath salt, for me.