The title says it all.

It brought a huge smile on Bubu's face. He was pleasantly surprised.
The Library hosts this event where multiple or single service dogs. So you just casually walk-in between the given time slot and you can read a book to any dog or all turn by turn. Sometimes their owner will allow you to feed him a treat, which they will provide. It was super exciting for us as Bubu loves doggies so it was perfect when the Centerville Library was hosting this event on a Saturday. Unlike The Main Fremont Library that hosts it on a Tuesday night. There was only one Dog though, Bently at Centerville.
Like any service dog Bently was super nice. We got to pet him as well as we read a small book to him. Bubu was lil uncomfortable to be too close to Bently. Bubu was more interested in pushing the library chair instead of petting a dog. Maybe he just loves looking and observing dogs from a distance. We ended this activity by feeding Bently a tiny treat. Our unexpected highlight of this activity was feeding the treat to the dog. It brought a huge smile on Bubu's face. He was pleasantly surprised.
I feel it was worth it. We wrapped it up quickly in 30 mins. Could have spent lesser too but we were with friends and their kid was too excited to pet the dog on its nose to be specific :) How cute!