Have you been to a town that's sleepy with not much to do. Activities we did to keep your Bubu entertained in a laid back town.

It was probably our first holiday which was not jam-packed with activities.
We just visited Pismo Beach for the long weekend. It was a rainy weekend and there is very little to do at Pismo Beach, but we intentionally chose to do so to have a laid-back weekend. It was probably our first holiday which was not jam-packed with activities. At Pismo beach it has obviously, the beach :) , sand dunes ATV rides and close drive to Solvang known for its Danish-style architecture. So, the beach was out of question as it was rainy and windy. Sand dunes has a 4-year age-limit to be eligible for a ride. Our Bubu just turned 2 so that was out of question. Here’s what we did to make our lazy town more fun.
Take a city tour
All cities/towns has it's tours and I guess any boring, drab town starts shining once you get to know it's history, geography, facts. It will definitely allow you to look at the same town in a different light. A very important lesson for kids as well as adults to not judge by the looks.
At Solvang, we took the town tour in 2 styles, what can I say well we had loads of time to kill. Both these activities were inspired by Bubu’s interest. He was so excited to see other people riding these tours, I could not help but book it. Thanks to Bubu we all loved our first experience riding a quadracycle (4 seater bike). I guess it was great from Bubu’s perspective as both vehicles, he had seen in books which made him more exited. I can tell as he remembered and mentioned on the phone call with his Aunt and grandparents about his adventures. The first one was a Horse Tram. It was a guided tour, my favorite type. The guide and the horse rider were wearing period clothes and enlightened us about the history + facts + art in the town. Bubu was just thrilled to see the horse pull our wagon and the side trot the horse did to turn the vehicle. The second was a Bike ride. Look at Bubu wearing a helmet on top of his hat, he now is so happy to dress up, more number of hats the better :) This was more of do-it-yourself. Just biking and taking in the town scenes. It had an area/map you can bike in and was loads of fun. We also stopped by a bakery, parked and sat down to have a quick treat. Which gets me to my next point.
Eat what’s local
We had some delicious food. We always look out for the local favorites + poplar’s and give it a try no matter the driving distance. It’s always a hit, rarely disappoints.
At Solvang, we stopped to have Danish cookie at oldest bakery “Mortensen’s Danish Bakery”, quaint breads at a popular and new age “The Bread Shop” and chocolates at the vintage “Ingeborg’s Danish Chocolates”. We had the Danish delicacy hotdogs for lunch.
At Pismo we reserved Vetana Grill, a beautiful sit-down restaurant with a sea view. The food was art and tasted sinfully delicious. We also ordered take out at the tiny “Splash Café” popular for its chowder there is a line outside anytime you go (takeout is your best bet) and dined in at Cracked Crab it’s a local favorite but we thought we have tasted better in San Francisco.
Shop at farmers market
Small towns have abundant access to fresh produce. Bubu loved the visit at the popular farmers market called Avila Valley Barn. Touching and smelling all the produce and flowers. He also got the opportunity to see animals at the lil petting zoo surrounding the market.
If it’s a cold-windy day at the beach, a park will not disappoint. We went to a park named Dinosaur Caves Park, it was breezy there too but much more bearable, than what it was at the beach. It was a picturesque park atop a hill, with a view of the sea and purple bloom all over. It also had a beautiful walk by the edge of the hill overlooking the sea. Perfect if your toddler loves to walk.
What are some of your ways to relax and enjoy at a lazy town?