Some conscious snacking options that are nutritious, healthy, easy that I feed my Bubu.

It's only by modelling + showing + making conscious choices that our kids will be the adult that will put health and food first.
It's so easy to grab a snack from the store now-a-days. There is such a huge variety and our pockets are much bigger than the last generation. Not to forget, the words organic printed on junk makes us think we are making healthy choices for our Bubu or for even our own self. I do stop and think every grocery trip, are we really making conscious decisions. Or are we eating what marketing is hammering in our head as "made for kids or healthy". I feel the journey started of becoming more conscious when we decided to get on the path of "let's have a baby". The need to be food-aware only increased with time, especially when Bubu turned 6 month old and started solids. We are also making healthy choices, it's a change for the entire family. It's only by modelling + showing + making conscious choices that our kids will be the adult that will put health and food first and not be a after thought of a dysfunctional body.
Here I am listing some conscious snacks. Some are make at home, in batches and some are store bought. I am not sharing any recipe I think the best is go to a pro aka your mom or YouTube to learn the step-by-step recipes.
Make at home
Laddo: These are much easier to make than they look. You can use traditional flour options like chickpea, wheat, bajra, jowar, semolina to the fancy flour like super grain, oats, quinoa etc.
Powerballs/power-bites: Love these. It's a western take on ladoos made with dried fruits and dates mostly. Explore the internet to find some interesting combos.
Naankathai: Just like ladoo but baked. They are easy, no baking agents and you can customize the flour.
Kale chips: Takes 5 mins to prep and 10-20 mins in the oven it's going to be your best friend.
Paneer sticks: Shallow fry paneer. Sprinkle some masalas like onion powder, garlic powder, salt and pepper and it makes a tasty snack. Make some for yourself too as its difficult to resist.
Halwa balls/barfi: If you make the halwa, thicken it and form them into balls or barfi. They make for a great breakfast on the go carrot, zuccini and sheera/suji we tried all and sherra won. Ladoo dough can also be made into barfi.
Milk shakes: Real fruit and milk to sweeten add any one of the sweetening agents honey, agave, jaggery, dates or banana. Tasty easy to make and fast to consume as it's in a sippy/bottle.
Go-gurt dupe: Yogurt that you can add flavour and sweetness to. Similar to a milkshake add a (tiny bit) of fruit for color, sweeten with honey or agave or jaggery and put in one of these reusable pouches. Eco friendly too. A great lesson to learn for our Bubu's, every choice you make to be environmentally friendly.
Fruit puree/sauce: Boil, mash and add to the eco friendly reusable pouches to make your own budget friendly, organic, no preservative version.
Store bought
The challenge with store bought is the contents, preservatives, and sodium. But I have found a lot of real ingredient, non-preservative, non-sodium goodies. They are a lifesaver for busy working moms like me.
100% cheese crisps
Non-processed quality cheese: For example mozzarella. Buy the fresh version in any form ovalini, pearls or the large ball and just cut in sticks or cubes. Makes a easy snack.
Nut butters: They come in such a huge variety and packed with protein. And great if introduced under 2 years of age to eliminate allergies in the future.
100% real fruit or veggie crisps
Dehydrated 100% real fruit or veggie
Freezer dried 100% real fruit or veggie
Dried fruit and dates
Honey sticks
Roasted unsalted nuts and seeds
Puffed cereal and grains: Check my last post on snacks for what I mean.
Khakara: Crispy flour thins. Who does not like a good crunch.
Nature made
This category is available in farmers-market or in a store but need a lil prep at home like cutting, dicing, slicing, julienne cut.
Veggies: Julienne cut jicama, carrots,cucumber or corn, peas, avocado.
Fruits: Every kid has their own special. It could be the ones that come in their own wrapper like banana or an orange or the ones that need to be cut like apples, grapes, berries, mango, pear etc.
Nuts and seeds
Which ones did I miss, I would love to hear the ones that you make or buy that makes snacks healthy. Hail nutrition!