DIY storage for our book stash/home library using things we had at home.

A substantial art project to last a week, great as you will build it one day at a time!
It's end of May 2020; lockdown is still on in our state. Every month we get our groceries delivered. They come in boxes of all sizes. Bubu has repurposed couple big boxes to be his home and few narrow ones to be trucks and cars. We did not embellish or paint the boxes, they are left as is, to encourage imaginative play.
One such box that was delivered, was a perfect size for storage. I wanted to use it to store Bubu's books. Instead of keeping it as is. I thought why not cover it with some paper. We din't have a big sheet and the shops currently are off-limits. So we patched colored paper we had on hand. That sparked the idea of using these colored patched paper to draw illustrations and ask Bubu to decorate it with corresponding sticker.
As always we used things we had at home. It took us a week, but was a substantial art project to build one day at a time.
Let's make it
You will need
Big cardboard box
Colored paper (optional)
Black marker
Different theme stickers
Stick colored paper with the help of glue on the cardboard box.
Draw a different scene on each side of the box. Or like we did, we drew a different scene on each paper we had stuck.
We took it one day at a time. Everyday I would draw a scene. I would hand the sticker sheet apt for that scene and let Bubu take over and stick as per his wish. Eg: themes we used are jungle, road, sky etc. Bubu would look forward to the box project every day. He was intrigued to see what scene I would draw that day and what stickers he would get. Also it kept him busy for a the whole week. In total we did 6 scenes, in 6 days.
It was a good experience for Bubu as he built patience for his project to materialize/build each day. It was easy as it was a sticker activity. I think all kids love sticker's anyways. He was excited as he got to decide where each sticker will go. We now have a lovely box that fits all books Bubu owns. We store it right next to his bed, so it's accessible when we read books at night during our bedtime routine.