Our recommendations of things to do with a toddler at Alameda county fair.

Where: Alameda County Fair | 4501 Pleasanton Ave. · Pleasanton · CA 94566
Open: Wednesday through Sunday | 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM | Check Schedule
Visited: Saturday, June 22, 2019 | 02:30 PM to 07:00 PM Website: https://annual.alamedacountyfair.com/
It's a little different as its ginormous (area + exhibit wise) and also lasts for almost a month, 18 days to be precise.
Every town/city/county in the Bay Area have a summer fest/fair mostly held over the weekend. We have enjoyed the Alameda County Fair 2 years in a row with an infant. It's a little different as its ginormous (area + exhibit wise) and also lasts for almost a month, 18 days to be precise. The activities we did applies to kids under 5 year old, there are loads of things to do and have a fun time at this fair. Best time to visit is after 5:00 pm as the sun is more pleasant. But a lot of shows are happening during the day and if you have to catch them all then spending the entire or half a day is more fruitful. Do not forget to carry a hat/umbrella as its a very hot summer this year. Also get water to keep hydrated. The best drink on the fairgrounds is this cucumber drink with chia seeds so refreshing and great to beat the heat (it's sold by I think Fresh & Fruit). Look at Bubu making a funny face someone is really enjoying his drink.
The Alameda County Fair map is divided into zones. I am covering one zone at a time so it is easier for you to locate and enjoy the activity that sounds most interesting.
#1 Red zone
Great American petting zoo
It proudly declares that it's a different kind of petting zoo because, there are absolutely no barriers once inside the enclosure. Animals are walking freely alongside the visitors and the kids and adults seem to enjoy it. Some visitors were terrified, as there were animals chomping anything in site like your outfit. My blouse was rescued twice once from a goat and once from a deer. Thank god I love animals, and I love my dress too I panicked at the thought of losing it for a brief moment, but bravely rescued it without hurting the animal or the dress :). Bubu was very excited to see a Lama. I introduced it to him as the character from the famous book serious Lama Lama... I think he had his first "Star encounter moment". He was equally excited, stunned and amazed.
All Alaskan racing pigs
This was the highlight of our evening. Beautiful pink pigs are one of the most adorable things on earth, and if they are competing as athletes aww, can it get cuter than that! Some of the pigs started their first races in Fairbanks, Alaska. Flat-track racing and hurdling are their specialties, with a bonus silly gag performed everytime you visit. It's a series of 3 races, one with 4 pigs, then the second with another set of 4 pigs and the last with the top two pigs from each race. You also have a chance to pose and take a pic with the winner after the race.
Other exhibits we enjoyed here were:-
- Barnyard - Livestock Exhibit - In the future I would love to visit Tractor Pull, visit the Power Station display and hope Bubu will eventually participate in STEM.
#2 Yellow zone
Stella Artois grandstand - live horse racing
We could not go for this one as we planned to visit at 3 pm. If you are at the fair all day then don't forget to see this stellar entertainment. Who would miss a free derby, it's free with the entry fee held mostly every day at 1:45 pm.
Kids carnival park
This has the typical funfair rides for children, some accessible to ride with parent which are appropriate for Bubu age group.
#3 Blue zone
Action sports arena
Action Sports Arena has a lot of shows. All shows are free with fair fee, Premium Seats may be purchased, ticket info. We briefly saw the FXM Motocross, the flying motorcycles were a treat for our vehicle obsessed Bubu. We had to leave it half way to rush and see the Piggy Race.
They also have Extreme Rodeo, Fiesta Del Charro, Western Weekend, Monster Trucks, Demolition Derbies, RV Demolition Derbies, Arenacross, K-9 Flying Dog Show. Every weekend is a different featured show so do check their page to see when is your favorite one in action.
Other exhibits we enjoyed here were:-
- Butterfly Exhibit
- Fine Art, Photography, Poetry Display - Railroad Club Exhibit
- Hobbies & Collections
- Small Animal Exhibit
- Wine, Homebrew and Agricultural Exhibit
#4 Green zone
There is not much here just shopping and Carnival rides. Some day hoping to enjoy the adult-size joyrides with Bubu.